πŸ“Œ Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – How To Make Money on Pinterest (2024 Method)

hey friends it's Anastasia here and in today's video I will walk you through exactly how to make money as an affiliate marketer using Pinterest Pinterest might not be the first platform that you think of for affiliate marketing but trust me it's one of the most underrated out there I've been very active on Pinterest for over 7 years now and this is my account with 10 plus million monthly viewers and here is one of the affiliate networks that I use where I currently have about $4,000 in commissions and I can even refresh the page so that you can see that it's all legit I will talk more about this platform and the best affiliate programs that you can join later in the video and this whole tutorial will consist of five or six easy steps where we will cover everything from how to set things up on Pinterest to some of the best affiliate programs and of course a few extra tips and tricks along the way this will be packed with actionable insights so you'll definitely want to grab a pen and a paper and make your notes so why would you choose Pinterest for affiliate marketing well because with about 522 million monthly active users Pinterest is among the top platforms for free highquality traffic you may ask me what do I mean by highquality traffic I mean that Pinterest is a tool used by high income Shoppers it reaches 40% of us households with an annual income over $150,000 first we will focus on choosing the right Niche a crucial step for Success I've been in this Pinterest game for years and I know which niches do well on this platform the main thing to understand is that products in your Niche should look great on photos you see what Pinterest is in its Essence it's a visual search engine full of images and short videos and people who search for stuff on Pinterest they are visual Searchers they look for visual inspiration they want photos and videos and you should mostly aim for stuff that is primarily targeting women because currently it's about 70% of Pinterest audience I also recommend you to check Pinterest Trends tool it helps you figure out what content is likely to go viral right now on this platform if you can align your content with what's already trending you are setting yourself up for a lot more views and of course more income go to Google and search for Pinterest Trends then click just the first link and you will need a Pinterest business account by the way to get access to this tool so if you don't have it yet don't worry I will show you how to create it in a few moments but if you do have it you will see in Pinterest Trends tool the most popular topics like fashion and outfit ideas um but if it's not your thing no problem there's also home decor beauty products yummy food stuff for kids and babies or even Fitness Gear any Niche for which you can easily find or create images and short videos will be good once you've got your Niche down the next step is hunting for some solid affiliate products I will tell you more about that in the next step all right so you will want to find affiliate programs that pay really well my favorite platform for this is impact.com where you can discover thousands of affiliate links these are some of the brands that I work with through impact keep in mind that if you have just a brand new empty Pinterest account it probably won't get approved right away but no worries just post more content on Pinterest stay active and apply again in a month or two now some other great platforms to find affiliate links include Amazon associate it's um Amazon influencers ltk is also great if you are in fashion or home decor niches then Partners Tech is great if you are into software and you can also check ClickBank or dig store24 where you'll find lots of digital products with pretty high commission rates I will give you all the links to these Platforms in the description below and it's also worth mentioning that most of these platforms they prefer to accept affiliate Partners who have their own own website it can also be your advantage in the Pinterest algorithm so here you go I just gave you two solid reasons to consider creating your own website I know you might feel overwhelmed just thinking about this but don't worry I will show you in the in just a few moments how you can create a website with AI very fast in just 30 seconds we will get there soon but now you need to create or convert to a Pinterest business account so you want to ensure that your Pinterest account is set up as a business account this is essential because it unlocks features like Pinterest analytics and Pinterest ads which will give you some valuable insights into your content performance and some keywords on Pinterest plus using personal accounts to promote anything on Pinterest is very risky because it goes against their terms of service if you don't have a Pinterest account yet you can sign up to a business account right away just go to business.

Pinterest.com and then sign up for free but if you already have a personal Pinterest account and if you think that it is worth saving whatever progress you have made on that account you can convert it to a business account in just a few clicks now how to set up a Pinterest profile you just set up your account and now it's time to make it look professional you will need a logo a profile photo and a banner this these visuals are key to establishing your brand identity on the platform so go to canva it's free and it's easy to use for creating professionally looking designs canva even has templates specifically for Pinterest posts and Boards start by creating your logo simply search for logo on canva and browse some of the templates pick one that aligns with your Brand's Vibe customize it with your business name and once you're happy with the logo just download it as a p which giv gives you the best quality of the image next head back to Pinterest and upload your new logo as your profile photo now a pro tip for you make sure that you picked a clean and memorable username Pinterest will assign you some random user name by default so be sure to change it to something without unnecessary numbers or symbols so just add relevant keywords to your username like I have a username Anastasia blogger which aligns with the keyword that I use in my profile name like Anastasia blogger online business tips blogging tips and it makes it more SEO friendly and it increases my chances of appearing in search results your bio or profile description does matter as well keep it short and to the point but include a few important keywords it should let people know exactly what kind of content they will get by following you if you're stuck you can even ask Chad GPT to help you write a quick big bio no need to stress over it to make your profile look more professional then you need to create a banner you can also Design This in canva by searching for Pinterest banner and customizing a simple template once it's done upload the banner to your Pinterest account to complete your profile setup now let's talk about boards these should be optimized for keywords both in the board titles and in the descriptions if you're looking to dive deeper into how to optimize your profile for SEO I've got a free Pinterest masterclass that covers this in more detail you will find the link to it in the description below so feel free to check that out after you're done watching this when you're thinking about the possible board titles one great strategy is to again check Pinterest Trends to see what's popular in your Niche and create new boards that are targeting those hot searches this helps your account gain more visibility and of course it can lead to more sales as a rule Thum aim for at least 5 to 10 boards and search for about 20 to 30 popular pins and save them to each board that closely match the board's theme I don't mean that you have to save all of these pins in one go I would actually suggest starting slow when you have a new account Pinterest doesn't like any spikes of activity so when you start a brand new account I would say start by Saving giving maybe something like two or five pins to each of your boards per day and then you can slowly increase this volume day by day and the reason you want to repin this popular pins from other people to your boards is to help interest algorithm understand the context and the topics of your boards faster this is actually a pro tip that not many beginners know about and if you were not paying attention you might just want to rewatch what I just said in the last few minutes and if you find this video helpful so far I hope it doesn't take much effort for you to just hit the like button and let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about Pinterest I do my best to answer as many comments as humanly possible and that's the best place to ask me because when people send me emails I just don't have the time to reply to everyone individually and here in the comments I can answer to you and more people might find it helpful at the same time and the next step of setting your Pinterest profile is linking your website and you can actually create one in just 30 seconds as I promised so having a website is crucial for affiliate marketing success on Pinterest this is where you will direct traffic from your pins you will want to include your website URL in your Pinterest profile and you're technically allowed to save pins that are linked directly to affiliate products but first of all Pinterest does say in their their terms of service that you can add direct affiliate links to your pins in moderation they don't specify how many of these direct affiliate links is too many so because of this a lot of accounts get suspended and to avoid this you can have your own website on which you will publish blog posts covering the affiliate products and it will be a more efficient and a safer way to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest now I already f feel a lot of resistance on that side of the screen because it feels like a lot of work building a whole website and creating blog posts but I'm happy to show you that these days thanks to AI you can start a website or a Blog in just 30 seconds I will show you how to do this with the fastest AI website builder from durable I partnered with them in this video to help you solve this problem of starting a website or a Blog for Pinterest once and for all so go to D able using the first link in the description below let's click generate website and it will ask you what type of business you have and there are lots of options but I will just start typing something about fashion okay I can choose women's fashion and remember women are 70% of Pinterest audience it will ask you to choose the location of your business and you can just add your city it doesn't actually matter in our situation since it's not uh an offline business right and and then it will ask for the business name but even if you don't have any ideas for now just click here to get some AI suggestions then click and wait for a few seconds I won't even pause the video we can see the process in real time okay it's done let's see what we've got here a fully functional website that already has the design elements like background images the structure of the homepage that makes a lot of cents for a fashion blog now if we click customize we can sign up with a Gmail account and you can do it for free let's head to the themes and you will see here how it's easy to change the entire color scheme of the website using this pet tool you can change it to light or retro and all the colors will change but they will be all matching each other super easy for you to change how your website looks I looked around and I found that this website was gener created for a fashion e-commerce store so I decided to try their regenerate option and I changed it to the business type called blogger very quickly I've got a new website that now includes this section called my services I can simply change it to the best fashion articles now I can show you how you can create new blog posts using durable GI blog generating tool within seconds just go to durable dashboard click on website find this blog feature here click on add a post and type your blog post idea now hit generate and in a few seconds durable will autogenerate for you the entire article with images and formatting all you need to do next is find related affiliate products in one of your affiliate networks that you joined on the previous tab and add these links to the blog post I just went back to impact and opened one of the clothing brands just to show you how to create a link you can copy the link with one click here and insert it in your blog post where the link makes sense I usually choose this option to open the link in a new window so that people can easily go back to the page they came from and see other affiliate links if the first one didn't result in a purchase don't forget to save the changes in your post and then you can publish it you can try durable for free using my link in the description below and when you're ready to publish your we site their paid plans start at just $12 a month and they include a ton of different features like unlimited Pages access to 10 plus million stock images and a custom domain this is very important so that you can have your website not just linked to your Pinterest but also verified which builds credibility and trust with your audience it also helps with SEO since search engines favor websites with custom domains with durable Spade plans Su automation can help your blog rank higher in search results driving organic traffic to your affiliate links this can increase visibility and help you reach a larger audience Beyond Pinterest if you want to make that upgrade make sure that you use the code Anastasia 30 to get a 30% discount on any plan for the first 3 months on the next step you will learn how to create pins that go viral so on my Pinterest account I create unique pins using canva once you log to canva Simply search for Pinterest in the template section and you will find a variety of options to create different pin formats I recommend you to go with a taller version It's 1080 by 1920 pixels because it's the same format that's used for example in Instagram reels and it has more space for you to add a large textto to your PIN image and try to learn from others you don't have to reinvent the wheel look at what others in your Niche are doing on Pinterest for example you can check out pins related to the topic of your PIN I'll search for winter fashion trends analyze what's working for them how they are designing their pins what keywords they used and how they are promoting products you can even check uh how many of them are linking to Amazon or other affiliate products while you should never copy someone else's work directly you can draw inspiration from their strategies and by the way canva also has a wide section of elements and photos even on their free plan and once your PIN is ready you can download it and head to Pinterest click create pin upload the image and fill in the title and description be sure to include relevant keywords in both the title and description to increase visibility in search results next add a destination link and this can be either an affiliate link directly to the product or a blog post but I already mentioned today I think it's all always better to have a blog post and to link to it for better long-term results you can also search for related tags and their high level broad categories that your PIN can relate to you can find three or four different tags if possible for your topic now let's select a board that you can save your PIN to you can create a new board specifically for this topic if you are planning to save a lot of pins related to that same topic so if I had a whole Pinterest account dedicated just to Fashion I would definitely have at least one board with a title winter fashion trends you can save the pin right away but also you can schedule it for later date or allow comments to engage with your audience now pay attention to this little detail here especially if you in fashion or home decor niches here's another Pro tip from me Pinterest has this feature that automatically tags products that look similar to what's on your photo to your pins these products are from some other random shops and you might be losing a ton of traffic from your pins if you had a bunch of this tags products on every pin so you can say that you don't want Pinterest to tag products on the level of each individual pin but you can also disable this on the account level just go back to your account settings click on social permissions scroll down a few times until you find shopping recommendations and make sure that there off on your account for all pins a lot of people lose traffic because of these automatic tags and their pins might get many Impressions and even engagement but not as many clicks because users are actually clicking away on this products from other sites so I hope it will save you a ton of traffic in the future and if you like this tip from me well just give me a like and let me know in the comments it does motivate me to share more insights like this in my future videos now which pin formats you should create as for the type of pins that you should create I recommend sticking to image pins not as much short video pins and definitely not the idea pins if you still have them on your account Pinterest actually announced that idea pins will be soon completely removed and even though some accounts can still create organic idea pins they will eventually be converted to video pins now standard image pins tend to perform better because they have higher click-through rates than video pins with images people are more likely to click with videos the Pinterest interface doesn't give them an easy option to click on the video and move to your site people can click on the video and all it does is just keeps replaying the video so in most cases with video pins people will just watch it and move on without clicking through to your website to make sure that your pins stand out in search results always use keywords in your PIN titles and descriptions this can help you gain traffic not only from Pinterest but also from Google Images because Pinterest images often Run High in search results on Google Now bonus tip for viral pins you have to stay active in the comment section especially on most of your viral pins if you have no ideas what to talk about in the comments just think about it sometimes people simply will ask you where the can buy the product featured in your PIN so you can drop your affiliate Link in the comments to capture some extra sales engaging with your top performing pins also help boost their visibility and it kind of keeps them viral for a longer time and we need to talk about patience and consistency remember Pinterest affiliate marketing is not a getrich scheme this is a long-term game I often get comments or emails from people that say literally I started a Pinterest account and nothing came out of it and then I asked them when did you start it the answer is often 2 days ago or maybe 2 weeks ago well how about you running an account consistently for 6 or eight months posting 5 to 10 pins a day and then tell me the results look building traffic and working with Pinterest algorithm does take time don't even look at your Pinterest analytics for the first 3 or 4 months it's it's not enough time to start ranking with your new pins and your new account if you're serious about different ways of making money on Pinterest check out my other video where I cover all the strategies that I use Beyond just affiliate marketing on Pinterest and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like subscribe and I'll see you in that next video

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