Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Dead: Paychecks Stopped

here's the truth when it comes to colleague Bank affiliate marketing you can't promote it with Facebook you can't promote it with Google and you can't promote it anywhere ClickBank affiliate marketing is the biggest trap especially for beginners and in this video I'll give you exact money equation that you simply must know if you care to make money as an affiliate what I can promise right here right now is that by the end of this video you will get a new perspective on ClickBank and how to make money with it so get ready to learn a lot now before I jump into it please hit that like button for me it will help others to discover this video and get a proper education on how to get results with affiliate marketing today [Music] all right so you have been considering to make some money with ClickBank affiliate marketing or you have tried it already maybe you have watched some videos where YouTubers are bragging about a few hundred dollars that they made on ClickBank with supposedly secret and simple method or something like that well in this video I'll give you the truth you'll discover the money equation of ClickBank offers that will change your perspective for Good by the way my name is Peter giordi I'm the founder CEO of Dash next and I have made Millions as an affiliate including multiple six figures on ClickBank but my affiliate marketing results mostly come from promoting High ticket launches using my nearly 90 000 email list that I have built over the years and not thanks to some secret trick or shortcut so with that in mind let's jump to the money equation that will change your perspective for good and will open up your view on how ClickBank affiliate marketing really works so why people choose to promote ClickBank products well mostly that's because it sounds so simple and effortless right you grab a special link known as hoplink place it anywhere online social profiles articles groups forums videos Etc someone clicks your link goes to the offer that vendor you selected is selling and buys you get paid typically 30 to 100 commission from the value of the transaction and that's about it you make lots of money without talking to anyone or reviewing anything about yourself providing customer service and delivering on the prom is made with the offer sounds super simple right well here is what most forget or simply don't know just like with anything in life also making money with affiliate marketing involves these two things time and effort only time plus effort can equal results and so if you want to make ten thousand dollars within 30 days the unknown question and something you need to calculate it is the effort so let's get that answer so what it would take for you to make ten thousand dollars with ClickBank affiliate marketing so we know the result we want ten thousand dollars in 30 days and the first step that you would need to take is pick a winning offer to promote so you would go to the ClickBank Marketplace you would click on the magnifying glass to sorted by the current best seller across the entire Marketplace based on gravity you would see the metrics how much money you can make with the initial sale and you would pick an offer you would like to promote in my screenshot on the left you can see the offer called exit pure exipure is in the health and fitness Niche and you can see that the average dollars per conversion is 150.56 and you can also see that the initial conversion is 146.14 dollars plus they have some recurring billing happening as well which is always nice which means you can make some money down the road as well this is where everything becomes real because in the step number two and this is what most people don't talk about is you need to calculate the effort and here you need the metric called EPC or earnings per collect it tells you how much money you can expect to make per visitor that you will send via your affiliate link and typically vendor will share this information with Affiliates via email or a dedicated affiliate page so in our example xpure the vendor is sharing this information via his affiliate page and it's this enjoy huge three dollars to 5.5 dollar epcs so what the valve tells us is that we can expect to make between three dollars to 5.5 dollars per visitor now once you stop for a second and I want you to notice the difference in your perception because just moments ago you looked at the average dollars per conversion which are 150.56 you probably got excited and you think wow just 10 sales could make 1 500 in a breeze but now you are looking at something else you're looking in a metric that says enjoy huge as it would be awesome right it would be something positive three dollar to 5 point five dollar epcs there is a difference between these metrics and most people don't understand this money equation which defines everything when it comes to the results with affiliate marketing so if the goal is ten thousand dollars in 30 days and you expect to make between three to five point five dollars per visitor so your effort required to get the result is between ten thousand dollars divided by three that's 3334 unique visitors on the low end or ten thousand dollars divided by 5.5 that's 1 818 visitors on the high end so that's between 61 to 112 unique visitors per day now let's explore some options that you can use to get two thousand to three thousand unique visitors within 30 days in order to achieve your objective make ten thousand dollars with affiliate ClickBank marketing so first obvious one is Facebook ads including Instagram ads right hands down the best traffic generation platform available today getting 2 000 to 3 000 visitors is a breeze if you do things right it will cost you between 30 cents to two dollars per visitor but the problem is that you can't drive Facebook traffic directly to an offer page on ClickBank you need to use what's known as a buffer website it's a website that is owned by you has its own brand and from the outside looking is a legitimate business that provides value to Facebook users using a buffer website will reduce the traffic that actually sees the offer page that you promote by about 50 to 70 percent of those people that will click on your ad so the actual costs that you will need to carry will be close to one to five dollars per offer page visitor and that's huge another thing you can use is of course Google ads including YouTube ads a very powerful platform Special YouTube ads so if you can create an effective video ad you can easily drive two to three thousand visitors within 30 days but things to note here are as following you can't drive traffic directly to the offer page just as it was with Facebook ads so you need a strong buffer website with a real brand and you'll need to verify the minimum investment for testing is expected to be between one thousand to two thousand dollars per uh offer so in order to dial in your ad and understand whether the ad actually works that's the amount of money you will need to spend and also the downside of Google ads is that it's pretty hard to manage if you are new to this so there is a quite a big learning curve in order to just get used to the way how the platform works and really be effective at this the third source of traffic could be free social posts and of course YouTube videos so if you are creative and can produce engaging videos for Instagram Tick Tock or YouTube YouTube and they really Go Wireless in YouTube where you can place your affiliate link underneath the video itself it will be easy to get two thousand to three thousand visitors per month but since they won't be targeted meaning you won't have the option to select who can see your videos you need to drive at least three to five times more traffic to get the same result so if you look at all the things we can do to get the traffic we need we need to look at the Facebook ads so that will be one to five dollars per visitor you need at least 112 to 504 dollars per day and the cash required in order to really get started is 14 days of front because you get paid from ClickBank every other week you can set it for a weekly but initially it will be at least two three weeks before you will get the payment if you are successful Google ads so testing budget you need to be ready to put in about thousand to two thousand dollars if you find a winner you'll need to be willing to spend 112 to 504 dollars per day so similar to the Facebook and again cash required is 14 days of front so that's the money you need to have before you start to get some returns and finally social traffic viral video is required that means you need to have some social skills some human psychology skills things like that there will be some production costs involved cameras and recording and really all those things so minimum of three to five times more traffic you need to produce with videos with these free social videos than it is with ads so realistically from where you stand right now with all the knowledge that you have your budget your experience your skills and know how do you feel confident that you can drive two thousand to three thousand targeted visitors to an offer page within 30 days so what I want you to do right now is comment under this video right now and tell me if you think you have everything you need to make it possible there is one more thing which people don't talk about because you see money is always relative to time making ten thousand dollars per month sounds nice but making talking ten thousand dollars per year makes you pool so you have to look at the time all the time time demands payments your house car bills health education other expenses every minute you invest in something has cost associated with it so think about these two buckets you have the income bucket it's how much money you produce from the time and effort you put in and then you have the wealth bucket which is how much time you can buy for something that creates money without your daily direct effort and here is an example let's say you need five thousand dollars every month to pay for your time house car health education all these things so if your well bucket is zero you need to make all five thousand dollars from your time and effort but if your wealth bucket is producing two thousand five hundred dollars you only need to invest half of your time and effort to make the rest of it so you just bought two thousand five hundred dollars worth of time back so time and effort equals results are you confident that with the knowledge that you have now about the equation of making money on ClickBank you can make at least ten thousand dollars within the next 30 days and achieve your financial objectives build your wealth along the way comment under the video right now and let me know what you think all right now you know why it's so damn hard for most Affiliates to make money with ClickBank affiliate marketing it's not impossible but it's very unlikely for an average marketer with a limited budget to get any real traction on ClickBank now if you want to learn how to build profitable affiliate marketing business even when starting from scratch simply click the link in the description and watch my free presentation you'll learn the exact sequence to make money today finally before we wrap up this video please leave a comment and share your experience with ClickBank affiliate marketing have you tried to promote anything before how it has been working for you you so share your experience or ask me any question I will make sure to read every comment and respond also don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next video that's it for today talk to you soon bye for now

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