Digistore24 Affiliate Marketing – $31,000 Made This Year With Free Traffic (Anyone Can Do This)
check this out in the digi store 24 as an affiliate marketer i made over 30,000 just this year alone and i did it mainly with all free traffic and on this video today i want to show you how to use digistore24 to make money with affiliate marketing this is going to be a step by step guide and I want to show you exactly how you can do the same the best part of this digital 24 guide is that you don't have to have your
own product you don't need money to do it and it doesn't involve having your own website or anything like that if for those of you who don't know what digistore24 is, it's an affiliate market that gives you up to 8,000
different products what you can promote and they pay you up to 70 percent commissions what this means is that you can promote other people's products will handle everything for you from selling with the refunds they will give you all the products in a niche you all what you need is a traffic I'm going to show you how to get it and it doesn't matter what niche you're interested in as you can see there are 44 different nations you can do it but on this video today I want to show you a few ways you can get paid plus a huge bonus strategy at the end of the video I want to show you how you can make even more money using affiliate marketing and using digi store 24 of here what you should do guys scroll up and you have to click register now once you click
register you want to scroll down and you want to create yourself a username let's say you call yourself something I'm just going to type in smart money tactics what's going to happen is it's going to create a partner ID for yourself, this is the affiliate ID that you're going to use to promote this digital 24 products and if you scroll down here, you can see that it's available in so many different countries, that's why digital 24 is a lot more attractive to a lot of people than what other people think websites like clickbank and stuff like that now before we continue this video guys if you enjoy it finally don't forget to break the like button for appreciation and if you want more digistore 24 content go below now and just comment more digistore 24 affiliate marketing videos and I will make sure that I do it for you absolutely as soon as you come here guys and if you first signed up for an account, then it's time come to digistore24 and go to their market, that's where you can find all this different products you can promote I'm going to show you a product you can promote today you can choose any
product you want and from there I want to show you where you're going get this free traffic then I want to show you how to create all these guys it's super simple it's 100 passive means you do the work once and you can get paid again and again plus stay tuned for the bonus strategy at the end of this video, so if you come here, guys we know some nations that always do well we know that fitness and health do well we know that dating and relationships do well we know that business and investment do well etc if you import one of
these guys it doesn't matter that you can't choose one of them for the purposes of this video, let's just go straight now to fitness and health if you're on fitness and health guys if you come here you're going to find all these different products that you can now promote, there are a few things what you want to look at as you can see here you can see what you are going to earn if you promote it products as you can see this product here you pay 85 commission which is about 35 dollars every time you sell this product allows you to roll and look at some of the analytics to see how well you're doing can see that their cancellation rate is about 12.9 percent guys with the cancellation rate sometimes these rates can be skewed depending on who is promoting it products like if someone jumps to
digital24 grabs this link and starts promoting it for traffic that isn't ideally targeted to this product really throws these numbers off but in general you want to try to find the
lowest cancellation rate and you want to try to find something around 30 to 60 dollars and if you want to try something higher you can absolutely do it if you come here you can see we can see it keto to 50 is very low cancellation rate but the earnings is 3.50 so we might want something higher so what what we're going to do is we're going to roll up here guys and we're going to use this product here's the ultimate keto eating plan okay so what do you want to do you want to click on this ad button here and this is the the affiliate link is okay so we're going to copy this is the link we're going to use to promote this product well once you've done that you want to grab it now the other thing you can do with a lot of these products guys you have the attached support page that you can have a look you can also click the sales page if you come over it will show you exactly what it is the product is about you can see it video alternatively guys you can very easily come here and click on the attached support page also you will more if 10 brings everyone gives you the materials you need for this video and this digital 24 tutorial you don't need any of that the free traffic that we're going to get today guys if I come here to a similar site get over 5.5 million visitors every month and the good things The thing about this site is also that a Most traffic comes from t1 countries and the site we're going to look at today guys is this one here called steemit.com now I'm going to show you where you are going to get the content published on it and it will literally take you five minutes to do it, it doesn't take long at all, and I'll show you how you can then post your link in it different articles that steemit is a network, it is a social media site where you can come here and just post and share different things okay the good thing about steemit is if your the article is doing really well that people also just earn money from posting these different articles and you can see that people do From all over the world some of it even does it in different languages well but the UK and many other countries are some of the biggest users of this site the other thing guys if you come here and you go to payouts if you click on payouts , is it will take you to a page brings what looks like this and you can see that a lot of these articles earn really good money, which means that if you write if you write a really good article in any niche, you can also start earning money not only from affiliate marketing not and promoting a digital 24 product but also just from these different articles and what do you want to do with it website guys you can come here where it says where you have it look for the tab here just like you can see here on the first page if you come and type something like in
lose weight because the keto product that we are going to promote on this tutorial try of course helps people lose weight if you type and lose weight and if you scroll down you will find a also a whole bunch of different articles you can also import keto as well as the other thing you're going to find if you scroll down I'll just show you're going to find people promoting products directly from clickbank.com and digital24 because you can see here cabo fix review is a clickbank product and digistore24 product and someone its a review written about it as you can see and they link back to this site and people do it because they earn a lot of money this site here is another one here okinawa flat stomach tonic guys if you scroll down you can see here that they have link back to wrote a very quick review after which I'm going to show you how to do it without these products are in digistore24 too, so you very write it easy then send it and you can for this and once you start seeing you start getting views for these people you will click on it to start making affiliate marketing sell now what you have to do from here guys you have to ' create an account for yourself so if you're on this page all you have to do is scroll up to the top above and click on sign up once you've done that go to a page that looks like this sign absolutely free , click on it it will take you to a page that it looks like you need to enter your own username once you enter your own username you need to come here enter your phone number in your email address
and then send a code to confirm it and click to continue once u done that it will come over you to a page that looks like you can see i am now logged into my own steemit account here now what we want to do is we want to publish an
article a weight loss article or a keta article it is absolutely on you what what you want to do or any niche you want in and then we want to import it an affiliate link there what you want to see here where you have this pencil icon you want to click that and then from what you want do you want to enter a title now I want to show you where you can go to get this content you don't have to write anything there are some art there are some places you can go to do that the sites guys are mentioned here enzymearticles.com another one here is called articlecube.com and there are these also here called Copy Hackers there are a few of them and what you want to do is what you want to change these different types of
articles that this tool here use called quillbot.com so let's say you come over here on this side over here called article box and what you want to do is you want to scroll up and what you want to do is you want to come over here where you got this search have icon here and just tap something like a keto diet is right because it's going to find a whole bunch of
different types of articles once you enter the keto diet what's going to happen it's going to find some of these articles once these articles are found just scroll down go past the ads go to any of these ads and then you can see you have all these different
articles to choose from and all you need to do is click on this to say this article here as an example, okay if we open this article here, this is what we are going to this page brings up and as you can see it's called ketogenic diet and ketosis so simple you can copy this title ok click on it and then come back to you and just paste that you can change there it's up to you you can change it for something like you who knows ketogenic diet and ketosis to lose weight ok come and type in for weight loss stuff and then here You have to write well in your story simply what you want to do now you want to return to this article you want to scroll down and then you can cop you can do it manage so you can type in what is a ketogenic diet so you can send it back to your article and paste it in there and then you can just come back copy it now I'm not going to do this whole article guys but I just want to show your how you're going to change it okay once you copy it you want to come back to this side here called quilt bot what you're going to paste this here came good and you want to define it so you want to write it so it's not exactly the same not words you want to change, you are right can see it's working on it now and it's going to rewrite it now for us as you can see it's now rewritten and all you have to do guys just come over here and read it make sure it makes sense copy it complete text here after you copy the full text come back here and paste it in there now what you want to do is repeat the process over here guys copy it what ketosis is good simply come back here paste it in there then all that you need come back again to this article like this and then you want to repeat this whole process until you have finished this whole article well come back now paste another one we're paraphrasing another one here and then we're going to finish this article but I want to show you how you can also this link number one and insert
also how are you going to do the bonus strategy with this to make even more money online so you want to copy it okay once you come copy it straight over t and then paste it in now have you have a few options with which you can do this is let's just expand this article a little bit here so I'm going to enter now what you can do is pretty much just come here guys and type something like click here to get access now what you can do here just come back over to this digistore24 product here okay so the ultimate keto plan is good so you can copy it and just click copy and then come back here click here to access the ultimate keto plan so you can put it probably also in a capital letter okay, so me just typed it in for us guys they say click to access the ultimate keto plan so all you have to do now is control v and paste your digistore24 affiliate link here remember you can have some
more times okay so you have the first two paragraphs here then what you can do come back to this article guys finish it and then get it one more time at the end of the article when if you scroll down here you can see exactly what this article begins to look like and if someone comes here and clicks on this, you can see it's they're going to immediately take this product and the good thing is here guys, you can also enter tags so you can type in something like
keto diet and that's how people are going to know how are they going to find it's good so use spaces to separate tags okay just space then type something like weight loss lose weight etc okay and simply from there all you have to do is post so I'm going to finalize this pose before I actually submit it but you can see exactly what it looks like from here the bonus strategy guys right now is just a raw link it sends people to the product we don't collect any emails we don't do ourselves any favors but whatever you want do is you want to create a
landing page once you make that landing page you can put this link inside your landing page and then you can put the link to the landing page inside here if you want to know the one best products to use and what i use i use this website here called convertkit.com i do have a link in my description for you and i'm also going to let you know what video you should watch that you can create from this the best part about these guys is it's absolutely free which you can do it for free up to your first thousand subscribers and you can email broadcaster all the other products that you saw that I showed you people made different types of reviews you can then send an email to everyone that advertises and promotes other products for those who are going to help you earn even more money online this is how i was able to create this amount of money here on a digi store 24 guys and all you need to do is simply come here and repeat this process and keep uploading as many of these as what you need and the best of this is not only guys it's free but you can also have an unlimited amount of landing pages with this strategy so if you want to make money with digistore24 it's one of the best ways to get as a beginner start because it's not it's not going to cost you anything take a lot of time plus it doesn't take a lot of work and it's passive plus if you combine it with combiner with convertkit you can start making even more money online if you want to know how to putting it all together guys i highly recommend you watch this video here it will show you how to create the landing page on
convertkit so you watch the video now don't forget to do the same button and until next time take care of yourselves and goodbye
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