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*Exposed* AMATEUR Affiliate Marketing Method Makes ANYONE $500+ Daily!
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*Exposed* AMATEUR Affiliate Marketing Method Makes ANYONE $500+ Daily!

do you want to know the easiest you can make money online with affiliate marketing with 100 free traffic take a look at this it's 2827 I have pending payout commissions let me refresh or reload this page to show you that it 100 is legit and if I click on this it's going to take you to my back office and as you can see these three commissions are not reviewed yet but it has this is sixty dollar amount I get thirty dollars because here it is fifteen dollars here it is ninety dollars and if we scroll down what you can see here for a hundred thirty five dollars commission I get sixty seven dollars fifty and the list is endless and I want to show you exactly how you can do it in three simple steps, I mean take a look at this the reason why I say it's passive it's because it's work I did in 2019 and as you can see the traffic just started kicking in the last say six months eight months etc which means I the work once do I continue to make money online a passive form of income using affiliate marketing and how did I do that I used this list here that I created in less than five minutes and on this video I'm going to show you the three simple steps all you have to do is watch this video until the end apply it and you are practically guaranteed to make money online using this strategy and we're starting now how are you allan again here from the smart money tactics channel and I have got a brilliant video for you today if you want to start affiliate marketing on how you can get a lot of clicks and capture passively where you do the work once and you go on to reap the rewards I want you to pay a lot of attention to this one if you are serious and you really want to make money online because I'm going to show you proof on this video of exactly how I do it it's three simple steps and we're going to start right into it today the first thing you want to do guys do you want to come here platform here called blogger.com we are going to use the resources of this site because we can use this site absolutely free to create one of
these very simple lists you see this list here is a resource guide for be a successful affiliate marketer and when people start this is the information they need and what I do is I provide this information to them not only do I have my affiliate links throughout this page but also I have different types of courses and i can update it and anytime okay you can come here and you can add to this you can take away from this you can also add a whole bunch of different types of courses I'm going to show you everything on this video guys and when you come down here you can also add a lot
useful things so it's a lot of value for them and it's also going to help you make money online with affiliate marketing so how do you create one of these is good once you go to blogger.com
and once you're signed up it's going to bring you go to ' a page that looks like this and as you can see here is where you have it is your back office to blogger where are you going to be create this very simple page now when you click on this drop down box over here you want to scroll down and you want a new choose blog it's like a new website so to speak so click on to new blog and then that's where you go to just create a title for this blog like I created for this one here resource guide to a successful to be
affiliate marketer as you can see more here so what we're going to do guys is we're just going to call this one guy after just be a successful affiliate marketer to save us time so I can show you exactly how it works so we're going to choose guide to be successful affiliate marketer and we're going to choose now next this is where you are go to enter an address as you can see this is going to be spot blog post dot com okay now all you have to do is come up with come with an address here and it will tell you if it's available is good so let's say we call it key tools you need as an affiliate stuff doesn't matter too much guys all we need is for it to come up this blog address is available so key tools you need as an affiliate then come here and click on save what will happen from here is now we can as you can see this actual blog post has no articles here, the other one i created does have articles this one doesn't want now do you want to come here and you want to post new click
post now as soon as you post new select this
is where it's going to allow us to create something that looks like this now we're going it obviously also copies because what we're going to do is we're going to call it the same we're going to put it there and then put it over here what we want to do is we want to create a heading, very simple stuff guys you can come over here center it in the middle and then you here where it says paragraphs you can just make it a main heading etc then what you want to do is you want to make a tab and now what we want to do is we want to create something that looks like this now can you copy my one i don't care it's up to you guys make something very similar and promote similar products it's totally up to you there are enough people looking for this and traffic to go around as long as you apply yourself you are guaranteed guys what you will get clicks and you're going to get sales so you're probably thinking where did I get all this information from everything I've done here guys I came and I clicked on tapped on any of the highlighted links and sign up for any of the tools below what you can need this um all the tools that we use and so these are basically all the tools that I use in my business as well which is
what I told them and then I very much typed it in quickly so that all you need do when you're on this page here guys leave it normal and then come over to google and just type in something like what tools do you need as an affiliate marketer then come down here guys and start opening all these different tabs again when you open this up you're going to find all these amazing tools that people need as an affiliate marketer for example if you're looking to make money with wordpress or mailchimp as an example if you browse mailchimp is a software for email marketing guys so you scroll down and look at the different types of things that you can promote when we come here there are so many products guys that you can promote for people who are looking to start affiliate marketing or they are looking for their online business or their website or their YouTube channel whatever it may be, so you want to go through all these different
websites and find all these great tools, then what you want to do is you want to make sure they have an
affiliate program anyway what you have to do guys as an example is type something very very simple just like that and then paste it here and then start with number one as an example and I'm just showing you this very quickly to save you some time so let's say the first thing you wanted to do is you wanted to offer someone something like email marketing well you would come here you type something like email marketing and let's say you wanted to promote or mailchimp or convertkit etc, you would ' write a very short description of that particular product just like I have here so what I did under my email marketing consider convertkit or mailchimp as you can get generous free plans landing pages built and send email sending so you write something very very similarly then what would you guys do if you go to convertkit here and you go over to their affiliate page so when you come over to convertkit you'll scroll all the way
down and as you can see they have an affiliate program and you'll go to all these start joining different platforms and post your affiliate link and the way you would enter your affiliate link, guys like you can see here when you click on this it's going to show you here that there 's a link here and the way you type in a link all you have to do is highlight any of these different types of words here scroll to the top and see here it says insert or edit a link click on that make sure you select open this link in a new tab and you paste your affiliate link inside that tab then what it's going to do is it's going to highlight it as you can see guys I have eight different types of links to here I have a link to wordpress I have email marketing that i have got hosting i have a funnel builder i have an seo tool for people who are
i want to create websites i have a video creation tool and i also have a seo tool for youtube also good so anyone who has any kind of want to start
affiliate marketing then I also have a link short enough from here what I also have is guys I went over to one of the two digital 24 warrior plus clickbank.com and I'm looking for different ways people can learn how to make money make with affiliate marketing different types of courses that are sold because remember these people are looking to make money and the traffic source that I'm going to show you guys on this video is remarkable and before we continue with this video guys all I ask of you is if you this video enjoy that like button in appreciation and just go below and comment i love free traffic if you appreciate video and don't forget to subscribe for more great content coming out so for those of you who don't know what clickbank is guys clickbank is an affiliate network where you can go get a whole bunch of different types of products you can do it with digistore24 you can do it with warrior plus jvzoo whatever product you want to promote so I'm going to sign up real quick and show you how I posted it affiliate links so now that we signed up to Clickbank guys like I said you can do it with any affiliate network all you want to do is scroll down with this one as an example e-business and e- marketing now you can apply that principle to other niches as well guys all you have to do is provide the tools that people might need for that industry stuff very simple stuff I come here guys I go to gravity and I'm looking for different types of products if you scroll down here you can see here you have the 12 minute affiliate system which is one of the products that I promote it's a 202 product here 's the other one eternal income guys it's a 335 dollar product okay , these are the average conversions you can really make good money with this and all you need to do guys is click on to promote come over click here to generate hype links copy those guys once you copy all that you simply have to do is come over to your list that you create over here like this one here guys and paste that link so if I quickly remove this link all I have to do is highlight what see here has so little insert link come here paste this link in it click on to open link in new tab and select apply that's all you have to do guys and down at the bottom you can add as much value as you need to get right and when you scroll down here can you also say at the top affiliate programs that people can use and just paste that link because what you're doing is you want to add value once you've done that it's probably the longest thing then it's going to be something that you can have that you can promote for years and the best thing about this is to use
something like blogger it's going to be saved in your own blogger account and you can come here and you can update it whenever you want, you can add things that you can remove things like i said and if we come here and we click on preview it's going to take us to this page where you can see you can click to share and anyone who clicks on any one of these links guys and purchases that you go make money and I actually updated it today so I want to show you exactly how you are going to get this traffic but before we do that guys step two in this strategy you want to go to google once you're going to come over to google you want to google translate type account as soon as you type google translate from there what you want to do guys come here and type in how to make money with affiliate marketing in English and what you want to do is Search for the French version the German any other country in Europe or anywhere else guys it doesn't matter what we're going to look for are articles and blog posts and things that are written in other languages ​​because they're not going to be written in English and possibly not available in those t1 countries stuff so we're possibly looking for ' some fresh content and things that aren't used in those countries so what you want to do is come over here copy it here guys come straight to Google and just paste it over here just like I did there and hit enter once you enter pressure are you going over find all these sites
here written in french or anything other country good about you know the best ways to make money with affiliate marketing from there guys what you want to do is simply you want to come here and you want to click on
this link here as an example and it's going to take you to a page that looks like this now as you can see guys it's completely written different language but what you want to do is you want to scroll to the top now do you all have these guys you want to click on this little link here and you want to translate it into Afrikaans and the reason why we are going to translate it into English guys is because we want this article here we are going to use it article to that very to be able to promote
simple blog post we just created stay with my guys because it works 110 the conversions are crazy and you are going to make money with affiliate marketing especially with the traffic source I'm going to show you this video so what you want to do from here guys you just want to come over and type in google docs okay and what you want to do is you want to open up a blank google docs page okay so come on guys open up a
blank google docs page and once you open this is where we're going to paste that whole article well so you just come to this page you guys scroll up double click on this control and you want to copy it or you want to copy it in stages as an example so come over here copy coming right at you guys paste it so get rid of anything like these three dots the other thing you want to do is click on any links that are already there and just delete those links and then scroll down guys and repeat the process scroll copy it all well and paste it into that google docs sheet and what you're looking for at the end of that is something that looks like this is exactly what I did here I came over here guys and I've now written it over these links here what I have is actually my links are good so these are all my links now what I did about the first paragraph above I inserted this I typed important note before you read on here is a list of resources you will need to to be a successful
affiliate marketer now as you can see here guys if we click on this link here this is that link okay this is the link to our blog post okay so if I remove this what I'm going to remove this because what I want to do is i want to paste this link as soon as we put it in our
traffic source so when we come here i just want to show you that this is that blogger a link ok as you can see anyone click on this and buy we are going to make money with affiliate marketing so now that we've created this very simple google doc sheet over here okay with our links okay now we need to be able to promote it I'm just go here I'm going to remove it from here and I'm going to remove it from here the other thing is very important when you do this and you copy and paste here when you get down to the bottom see it here it says article reference is good so let me just type it back on the article reference here guys I refer it back to the article where I got this information have last name but when I do that I'm simple come back to this page I scroll up to the top change it back to French okay I copy this link I come straight to my google docs and I paste that link in there so that if someone clicks now on this, it's going to take them over to here where I'm not doing anything wrong because it was originally written in French so that means they're going to go back to my page so they can read it in Afrikaans well so now what we have to do we have to do this for free get traffic and this is the third step in this and i want you to pay close attention to this because a traffic source i'm going to show you i want to show you proof of exactly how i did it and how i was able to do a lot of this get traffic so the site we're going to use today guys is cora.com but I want to show you some stats and proof of
exactly how I did it and how you can do the exact same thing now what you saw at the beginning of the video when I went over here guys and I clicked on my stats want to show you how you can get views for work you did months ago and all we're going to do guys is answered these questions we have already been answered because we just need to find the question, paste it and our affiliate links are going to be there and you have 8 to 10 affiliate links different types of courses where you can make hundreds of dollars every single time someone clicks and buys one of these products let me show you as an example when I come here guys and I click on all the times you're going to be can see that I had over 43,000
views on this and I hardly post on this specific profile I have a number of quora- accounts where I do it and if I come here guys and click on this one here as an example it says how do I start affiliate marketing without traffic source or audience if I click on this this is something I answer as you can see in 2019 and it has didn't start getting a whole heap of traffic until about April 2020 and it went up and down and still I got views and people were by clicking on this answer guys that's amazing that's super passive if you do that every day and spend five minutes you can imagine that if someone really applied themselves to these questions and answered how much money you can make now your answer sometimes goes to start very slowly, but sometimes when you click on these guys, some of them do very good at the beginning and then tinker and sometimes they do extremely well at the bid and then die completely it doesn't matter like this one here really did did n't really take off at the beginning but then all of a sudden about eight to twelve months later it absolutely blew well and there are so many of these different ttype answers that i put in here that still get me traffic every day guys thats exactly what you want to do so what you want to do is you want to overcome after korra here guys and you can type in something like how to make money with affiliate marketing as an example there 's so many different questions okay and then what you want to do is simply open everyone okay and then what you want to do is to find something potentially relevant and say something like how much money do you earn affiliate marketing or how can I start free affiliate marketing as an example so if we come here and click here on a question here guys we want to answer this question well so you come here guys and you click on reply now as soon as you click on
reply don't forget we already have this whole google doc here that we created all we need to do guys is simply come here double click on this copy this comes straight over to quora here for this question and we want to paste that in there and once you paste it guys look how great it looks now there are a few things you can do is simple you can come over here guys and see how it everything is bare you can just click on it and delete it all anywhere you don't want it's good to be bare so you come here and click on that you can probably leave it there that's affiliate marketing you can leave what involved you can scroll down good and nice just take everything else down okay because what you want to do is what you want to just highlight things that you want to stand out okay let's quickly scroll back up click up to build here guys remove it all as you can see it's going to look a lot better so now what you want to do look where it's an important note before you read on here's a list of resources you'll need to be successful now which you want to do guys is you want to come back to this blog blogger article you created you want to copy it link that url you can copy it from blogger it's up to you to come to you guys now highlight it once you tag it what you want to click on this little link chain here and you want do you paste it there and you want to click on to add now once you've added it in there that's where that link is now go sit so you can scroll down stuff like you can see because we have it a few times throughout this article so wherever you put it recommend that you do at least three things now be careful if you paste this link without putting it in any wording ok that's it something looks like again I don't recommend you do that I recommend you put it in the
wording well it just looks a lot better if it's inside the wording just like I showed you so important note here so come here highlight it ok scroll to the top here and then you have that link again click on link guys paste it in there select add and then as you can see when you scroll down it looks like this and the other thing that I recommend you do just click on board so it stands what you want to do now is scroll down to the bottom and click on to post it is how we post everything together and the reason why we use blogger ok guys is because it's not just yet ' an affiliate link, well if you just put another partner link then of course Cora can pick up that it's a link, now it's a blog post people click on it, they can see eight or nine of your different affiliate links that gives you a great
opportunity to make some very good money online with affiliate marketing okay this is how I got to it then all you have to do is come here click on to post as soon as you click on to here to post guys you can see now that my post is put up there how can i start affiliate marketing for free guys as you can see here is my answer here are my few different types of links that i have here are some links here to system .io which I didn't remove but it's good I can edit what I can fix it and as you can see anyone who clicks on this blogger post here guys it's going to bring them over to here if they log in to wordpress if they join convertkit group funnels sm rush vid iq if they buy any one of these different affiliate courses guys I'm going to get speed I'm going to get paid because of course I have my affiliate link there and I also have some top affiliate platforms
add value and there are a number of things you can add to these guys add value and make it better so the first thing guys you have to remember with this is you come over to blogger and create one of these now once you create one of these the sky is the limit because you can come back to quora and answer as many of these questions as you want, very very similar to this and keep providing all these resources and tools and as I have shown you the sky is the limit there are so many people searching for this I get views on this every
single day and I continue to make money with affiliate marketing and there is absolutely no reason why you can't do the same now if you want take these guys to the next level I recommend strongly recommend that you do this is you're going to create a landing page from a site called convertkit or mailchimp whatever it might be because what you want to essentially look at doing is you also want to start collecting leads from every single person who comes here guys and signs up under any one of these different types of affiliate networks what you can do then once you start collect their email is you can retarget these people with different types offer different types of funnel builders different types of email marketing etc because they may not buy maybe the first one but then you guys can come back and offer them other things too email marketing is super powerful and you can use sites like convertkit here guys if you come here to prices and check this that you can build for free landing pages that you can broadcast for free and this can all be done up to the first 1000 subscribers that is if you want to take it to the next level but I highly recommend the first step is go to blogger create that list once guys you create that list find these different types of answers okay find answers from around the world so you don't use other answers that people are already going in quarter and you will absolutely crush it is just like I have and the sky is the limit you can make a lot of money affiliate marketing so this was another fantastic way you can make money online with affiliate marketing but I highly recommend you click on
this video here if you want a strategy where you it can make money with affiliate marketing do hardly anything click this video now i will see you on the video don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe because i have more great content coming your way take care for yourselves and goodbye

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