ZERO To $10,000/Mo With Affiliate Marketing | What I Would Do If I Started AGAIN With NO Skills!
what's going on, you guys here again and on this video today I want to show you what I would do if I had to start again if I had no channel if I had nothing I had to start all over to get myself to five to ten thousand to get dollars a month that's exactly what I'm going to show you but I want to take it a step further and show you how to do it if you have no following have no money and if you have no skills , so if you don't want to create any videos if you don't have affiliate marketing experience I want to show you exactly how you can do it plus at the end of this video I will be announcing the 10 lucky winners get 250 for my giveaway in September I also have a link in my description for my brand new giveaway guys we are doing one more two and a half thousand to ten lucky winners the link is in the description sign up now don't forget to beat it like button and comment on the moment, I'm in the giveaway and make sure you sign up so you definitely have the best chance to win one of
these giveaways, what would I do if I had to start over to earn money online especially if I'm an affiliate wanted to do well market one of the ways I would do these guys I would use instagram but hear me I don't want you have to go there and create something of this be satisfied there is a way to do this is where you nothing don't have to do the work myself and I'm going to walk you through it and show you exactly how it can be done but you are probably thinking alan what niche would i go into what would i do to make it money i want to break it down i went to google and i typed in the most profitable instagram niches and this is what came this is the top eight travel is one of the biggest but I know right now travel is a little limited we obviously have a pandemic we're dealing with in many countries do you have beauty fashion health lifestyle etc when you look at some of these you may need to have experience in some of them like music or business parenting you need to be a parent or preferably you should be lifestyle takes a lot of time in order health and fitness what you want to be someone who is in the industry, but in terms of fashion and beauty these two I think a lot of people can get away with doing, even if they are not in fashion and beauty, and I will explain that in the second beauty so good is not because you may have to have a
little experience with the makeup etc.
But fashion I went and I did a lot of research and I found a lot of different
absolutely instagram sites crush it and they don't show their face they use someone else's content they repost it and they are crushing and I want to show you exactly how you can do it when you get there to instagram guys, I went searching and I found a whole range of different
types of instagram profiles here what instagram does of course posts they do things they also do instagram tv and instagram tv and the rolls are blowing up so much because the video content is going on all platforms with a youtube short with a tick and now clearly with instagram and i want to show you how you can do the exact same thing and there are so many different brands that you obviously have things that people have if they use here like Nike do they do puma if you come here you have people doing their own independence products whether it's in fashion or beauty it's a beauty here it's independent here's another one here and these people are doing really great if you come here you can also do Nike so many people who repost Nike shoes nightwear they have a link in their buy here like these people here who take them over to websites and blogs with links for these different types products and they make it absolutely the best part about this whole thing is guys they don't create any of these posts they don't create any of these rules all these instagram tv different types of videos that are upload I want to show you how you can do the same and here's another one over here guys called go sports me if you scroll down they advertise everything guys from surfing to shoes to running shoes for different types of active wear okay if you scroll down there are so many different sports articles etc when you click on the link here take you to a website and as you can see they sell all this their website now i'm going to show you how to do it without a website ok here's another one over here i found from shane of course shane is a brand, but there are a lot of people who take content from them repost it because if you are a
glamor they give you a lot of this stuff that you can use and repost it exactly what I want to show you on this video so the first step for these guys what you need to take is you need to create an
Instagram profile for yourself you need here and create one let's say you wanted to do something similar you can give it a name that is clear not shy, but it can be something in fashion or let the creativity for yourself it's clearly a women's clothing brand so you can think something yourself then from there what would you do once you create these guys you need a link, an affiliate link to be able to promote this product now you can at see myself behind a use
link because I promote multiple things that leaves the door open for you if you want to promote shine for example if you want to promote for example another product say we wanted to do all the shoes as we say you wanted to do Nike and you wanted to do puma and you wanted to do adidas and you want to easily do asics use a link tree well and then you can have everything connected to it link tree what happens is that you can have a
number of links to this the different products now if you do n't want to do that, you can also just have the one link and it's good and have it linked here in your
instagram bio now how do you become an affiliate with these different types of products you want to do is you want to come to a website called
authorityhacker .comcane as you can see went there and i initially looked for shoot affiliate programs this is very important guys because i want to show you what makes a good affiliate product over here and this is the earnings per click i show you what i mean if you scroll down to here where you're going to find all these different shoe affiliate programs that you can apply for many different parts of the world account, I don't know what part of the world each one is available in, you have to do your own research on that if you scroll down Let's look at this here mentioned zappos for example when if you scroll down you can see that they pay seven percent commissions and on average their earnings per click means every time someone clicks one of their links on average that person or the affiliate makes 13 big guys in normal affiliate marketing like when i do affiliate marketing through clickbank or average digital 24 what you earn anything from 50 cents to two dollars a click three dollars a click is amazing and anything more than that is really good results so 13 per click is astronomical it's really good but the commission rate is sometimes 7 you might want to look for something a little bit better and you might want to look for it a little bit more famous product so if you obviously scroll down here you have puma guys you got gloss you got nike you got converse et cetera and everything in between so if we go to number six if we scroll down to the gloss let's have a look at this because let's say if we wanted to replicate what they're doing here so if you come here you have got clear as you can see clothing brand they have shoes I have accessories I have everything and if you scroll down here you can see here that their commission rate is 10 and their earnings per click is 28 almost 29 guys that's big and another a good factor is that here 30 days cookie duration which means when someone clicks on your affiliate link if they buy something within the next 30 days you will be paid that commission which is now amazing if you're looking to do something for kids if you're scrolling down look at this I saw this when I was doing the research 88 per click okay that's an insane amount of money but I know that more people on Instagram are looking for shopping themselves than anything else , then what do you want to do from here guys want to apply for this affiliate program ok and to apply different types of affiliate programs you want to go to the shane affiliate site is good so all you have to do is click on the link what's going on there to do it's going to bring you
a page that looks like this and when you're here you can see exactly how it works so you have to apply for it different affiliate programs stuff and when you're here it shows you exactly how it works you have to come when you are done you have to log in once you register guys once you log in and You get your link you can clearly see the benefits you are going to get now you have seen on the previous page that you earn up to 10, but really they pay up to 20 and the best Part is about these guys after which I'm going to show you how you can do it without creating these different types of posts or roll or instagram tv itself there is a way to do it and you don't have to do any of the work to do and have the link so you can absolutely start crushing it okay all you have to do is scroll down here click on sign register and get the affiliate link once you have the affiliate link guys you want to register because you know shorten a link like line tree and then once you have to create your profile create a little bio you can come here and copy the ones you know similar buyers they have and then a link the link tree links here with you an affiliate link from here which you want to do guys is you want to start filling your instagram account with this different posts with these different roles and with instagram tv the one i recommend right now is post of course guys now many of you need to know how to these posts to redistribute it is very easy what i want to show you today is how you can create these rules or how you can use their videos more here on your own instagram profile and upload them again so you can come here and click on your link when i look at my instagram accounts guys and i watch my ig tv i get a lot more engagement on that why than i do on one of my posts
because instagram makes a lot of push more people say it what they like to watch roles and they also watch it instagram tv they push it so would you start taking or using
these different types videos they have here and put it up on your Instagram profile I'm going to show you right now when it comes to rules guys roles are anything up to 60 seconds long so you need to make sure that if it's under 60 seconds it's an instagram roll if it's more than a minute then it's ig tv and I'll show you how to create one or the
other so let's say the first thing we wanted to do was rent an instagram reel You just have to come here and click on one of these different videos so if we're playing this video here actually what you're going to watch is just people dancing in different kinds of clothes you've got music here I'm just going to pause it let's say we wanted this video here use guys so you take a moment all you have to do come here and copy this link okay so I'm going to copy this link one time you copied the link you want to come to this site here called okay once you get to
this website, you guys mentioned this tab over here tools click on the scroll down downloader downloader here and click on instagram once you click on it if you scroll down you can see that you have download photos download videos download profiles ig tv etc let's say you just click on download the video here and then down paste it in there once you paste it all you have to do is click on
search as you can see now it's going to look for this video once it found this video it will show us that it found the video and we can download it fine that's just the video we need to do now is to scroll down look here where it says download click on to download
the another option that you give say sign up to download guys you don't need to sign sign up to nothing nothing just click to download it if You can see here now the video we download on our computer you want here simply do we have a few options: The first option is that we can download it I'm not saying directly on Instagram that you do what I suggest you do simply to come to a website like and look here where it says mobile video you want to go to 1080 by 1920 because it's the instagram reel size guy so you can click to create a blank okay and then everything You have to grab the video and drag it and download it and drop it so I'm going to pause that okay we I'll lower this music right here so lower that and then we can just drag it's on top and we have our first video here so if you play it well we have our first video here we can use now everything we can do if you wanted you a caption on top of your post Absolutely you guys can come here you have text you can post whatever you want you can say buy this link in bio it's up to what you want to do the creativity Everything is fine then this is what you need you should come here and stand there download click download and then leave it as an mp4 video and then simply click to download we're going to download it from our computer that creates it as our own video and especially if you put something above all good, very easy to use text once downloaded guys i want to show you exactly how to upload it now this video is only 22 seconds long that means it's perfect for instagram rolls if you want to do ig TV from which you can easily more make these videos and upload it up here on canva let me just show you exactly what i mean once this video downloads ok guys so this video just downloaded so i'm going to leave it video there since it's downloading now you can possibly do if you want to create it longer than a minute because you wanted to do everything igtv very simply come back to this website or this instagram profile here guys click on one of these different types of videos over here I'm just going to pause it and all you have to do is grab these links and load diem and create more now create longer content i will do it a lot recommend it to activewear put on all the activewear together ok if you underwear you wear laundry if you bikinis bikinis skirt skirts shoes shoes accessories accessories stuff and load it down and what would happen once you grab a lot of these types of videos and you come to what's going to happen here as you continue to download these videos it's about the one increase minute point that's going to be perfect that we now to do for instagram tv we need to upload the video to our own profile so the way you do it guys all you have to do is simply come over to your instagram profile you created and now that you have it you link here and then you have to click on this plus sign once here on you click on this plus sign if you can see you can select from computer so click to select from computer now I'm going to grab the video ok I have downloaded it and as you can see the video is now here, you have some options well, you have square option: you have a portrait landscape what we want to do is we want to choose the portrait option here because that's what's perfect for Instagram roll from there guys, you come here and you click next as soon as you click next as you can see you can leave try your video sound and choose a cover here possibly better as you can see you can choose a
different cover well so maybe choose that if your cover then come here click on the next, now must u write a
caption now when it comes to writing a caption guys i highly recommend you easily come straight back to their profile here and click on any of their videos they are good here so if you click on this one as you can see they have something like this looks amazing that's all you guys have to do something very similar scroll down and check out exactly what they are doing then simply come back and write your own caption here the guys are not over complicate the video itself do all the work for you when you come across what you have accessibility is fine if you want to write alt text you can for people with disabilities you can do that too and then you turn off your advanced settings here comment if you want (i6-6-6-9)
highly recommend it comment on it guys and then click to share and then it's your first video on which you your instagram rules and like i said if you want to do it for your ig tv all you need to do is to creating the longer videos like I said with instagram guys what you can do it create different types of products you can do well you can do puma you can do Nike you can do your own personal tag it's up to you the good thing about shane here guys if you sign up to their affiliate program when you go here you can see they got clothes tops with dresses lounge underwear shoes accessories and if you click on that it'll take you over 10 takes you're going to find all these different
types of images which you can use when you sign up as an affiliate I'm going to give you all these resources and then you just have to upload these different images guys directly to your instagram profile doesn't require you to film anything requires you not to use your face Got you need money then you start building a following and the best part is it's all direct marketing people who see it will definitely click the
links you have in the description here and you'll start making money online at this affiliate marketing strategy, therefore says me if i were to start again from zero is give up something i would do you are not going to make your first dollar a day but if you are consistent and you can see that you have unlimited content if you look at this unlimited content on websites if you have a look at this you have unlimited contact content if you look at
their own instagram profiles and because you promote their products directly which means they earn money because they can't reach everyone with you will reach people they don't have not reached, you will definitely start make money online with affiliate marketing using this strategy now for the moment we've all been waiting for guys i'm going straight to my wordpress profile now here before i do guys if you enjoyed the
video make sure you it's holding button in appreciation and down now go down and comment that you're in the next giveaway just comment I'm in for the next giveaway guys we need now to announce it here 10 minutes as you can see , I do it live guys announce 10 winners we come here it says need winners we will click winners we are going to pick 10 winners and we are going to pick winners and I am going to show you these winners now I will contact all the winners guys via email, so if you can see you
mention here guys congratulations the 10 winners are going to be receive 250 each congratulations now if you want to know another great strategy you can use to earn money online guys click on this video here right now it's a full detailed tutorial I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it please watch this video now guys I'll see you on the video until next time take care and bye
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